The Gardeners Glove

The Simplicity of Desert Valley Blooms & Gardening of Colorado

Take The Thyme
I created this area for all those that like a garden poem or a garden idea. My Garden Poetry has taken many a reader into not only feeling like they are sitting in a quiet garden, but a happy tear or two may fall from your face as you read them. A garden area should be a peaceful spot you go to just to relax and be alone. To hear the birds singing or watch a hawk in the sky. Listening to water splashing in the nearby waterfall or feel your toes touch stepping stones that you made all by yourself.
Another peaceful area is Garden Thyme. HaHa hence the word time. A Garden journal is a great item to have handy while you sit in your garden area and write anything that comes to your thoughts. I have several garden journals and garden books that I have made and painted pictures of each garden idea throughout the years.
Check out my latest area, which are my novels that I have written. Each book is full of mystery, romance and a 'who done it'. You will want to come back time and again to see what new book I have written.
So, once again sit back and enjoy!
Welcome to the Feathered Pin

Garden Retreats:
Garden Solitude
Victorian Gazebo
Sacred Rock Garden
Canvas of my back yard
Garden Poetry

As unique as an artist painting a beautiful picture, so too can be a story written with much thought and care. Lily May goes through many different apprehensions until she finally realizes that she must make a few lifelong choices.
People who enter your life and then quickly leave may have more of a profound effect on your decisions than you think. This was what Lily and her new-found interests would discover and then come to terms with.
Centerville, Stillwater and Pebblecreek are among the areas that Lily has grown to understand are just places in her heart. Following instinct and reality are the most challenging aspects in this story.
When it comes to the pivotal points of overcoming all odds, Lily knew she had survived and given herself the courage to go forward. Above all she realized she had to accept the challenges in her life.
If love conquers all then reading this empowering love story will assure triumph over adversity.
As Time Stood Still
C. Dianne Wall grew up in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado where she still resides. She has raised four sons and is a professional working woman and watercolor artist. She is a certified "Handwriting Analysis" expert, who teaches Graphology at local colleges.
This novel will take you into a time of wishing you were the main character. There is mystery, surprises and warmhearted reading that will have you wanting to come back again and again.
Turning the pages to my novels is like turning back time in my own life.
Every story has a beginning and an ending, but it is the middle of the story where everything takes hold of your heart. I began writing colorful stories, but I also wanted my readers to know there is more to my stories than you realize. Life becomes a journey, there are ups and downs to everyday life. There are happy times, sad moments and tragedy. There are nice people and mean to evil people you meet along the pathways.
To every story I write there is some mystery involved.
When I sat down to write manuscripts, I chose stories in my mind that were true to my heart. Experiences that I have already had. Becoming well-seasoned to life's many adventures, I knew one day I would write about them. My stories take hold introducing a professional working woman that goes along for a while and then gets her heart either broken or worse damaged in some way or the other. Finding new avenues to lifestyle changes isn't easy, but necessary.
Crossroads took a long time to write, but I think it was worth it.
My second book is now out for all to see and enjoy, then the third book has been another fun area. So happy reading and I hope you come back now and then to see what my newest book is and buy one for your collection.

Chicken Scratches
A novel, by
C. Dianne Wall
Order today on Amazon
The story begins with Carolyn Halsworth going to Arizona to accept a job at a picturesque Resort.
A bad Car accident leaves Carolyn’s car upside down and her with a broken arm and concussion. Carolyn sees and hears a familiar voice at the accident scene. The voice tells her to beware of someone with the letters A.L.D.
Moving into a new house, she discovers a mystery key. Then after she delivers scattering ashes to the bridge, she finds another hidden secret.
Like the chicken scratches from a roadrunner bird, not knowing which way to go next, she detours to Prescott. This is when the fireworks begin.
Taking a flying Leap of faith, she begins digging up bones. There are more surprises and then a boomerang as Carolyn must now make a few life choices.
Be sure to read the author’s first novel: Crossroads
and coming soon, Autumn Blessings.

© 2023 by The Gardeners Glove