I'm so excited to have spring arrive. Must say our weather around here has been somewhat mild.

You know that saying: In like a lion, out like a lamb? Well that is how it has been where I live this winter. Fast blowing snow storms that last a few hours and then melt away as fast as they came.
In reversing life I have had a mild winter, but then had a strong and emotional start to spring. I wish to thank all those for your wonderful wishes of condolences at a time of sorrow and extreme grief. People come into your life at the time that they should, but when they are taken from life far to soon, it sure makes you wonder and ask why? I will be planting forget-me-not's this year all around my beautiful Weeping Willow tree.
I hope everyone starts spring off with planting flowers you don't normally have around. It is fun to change things up and this spring I plan on doing so many changes.
Happy spring everyone!!!